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For The Protection of Human Life


For The Protection of Human Life


For The Protection of Human Life


For The Protection of Human Life


For The Protection of Human Life


For The Protection of Human Life

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창호기계 제작 전문 조광이엔지입니다

당사는 자동화기계제작(창호기계) 전문 제작업체로서,다년간 축적된우수한 기술로 창호기계를 제작하고있으며, 사용자의 입장에서 설계 및 제작을 원칙으로 생각하며, 창조적인 발상과 끊임없는 연구개발로 자동화 기계를 혁신시켜 풍요로운 사회건설에 공헌하겠습니다.

Jokwang, as a professional automation machine manufacturer (for windows and door manufacturing), is producing window and door production machinery with excellent technology accumulated over the years, we make it a principle to design and manufacture just from the user’s point of view most of all, we want to contribute to the prosperity of our society by innovating automation machine with creative ideas adn endless research and devolopment.

대 표 김 승 규